Sponsor Spotlight: Bluehost

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Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price.

With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.

Thank you to Bluehost for being a WordCamp Philly Platinum sponsor! Learn more at bluehost.com.

Your WordCamp Philly Food Guide

Philadelphia is powerhouse restaurant scene, with prestigious entrepreneurs such as Marcie Turney & Valerie Safran, the Vetri Family, and more recent restaurateurs Michael and Jeniphur Pasquarello.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…

That’s how we feel about the food post by Tracy Levesque of Yikes from WCPhilly 2015. Tracy is a true foodie, and her words about where to find the best eats is golden. We’ve edited any crucial pieces and have added a little bit here and there (food with a conscience), but the bulk of these words are straight from the foodie’s keyboard.

Continue reading Your WordCamp Philly Food Guide

Sponsor Spotlight: WooCommerce

37% of all online stores are powered by WooCommerce. Built on WordPress, WooCommerce is a fully customizable, open source eCommerce solution.

Whether you’re selling a few handcrafted items to a niche market, taking an existing business online, or going global with an enterprise level eCommerce business – WooCommerce will get you set up and selling fast and scale securely as you grow. Plus your content will be forever yours and customizable down to the finest button color.

Developed and supported by a distributed team, WooCommerce is powered by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com.

Thank you to WooCommerce for being a WordCamp Philly Platinum Sponsor! Learn more at woocommerce.com.

Sponsor Spotlight: BoldGrid

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BoldGrid is a website builder powered by WordPress. It is a free set of WordPress plugins, themes, and other content that allows site creation and management similar to non-WordPress website builders. By placing WordPress more in line with DIY site builder solutions on the market, our mission is not only to make WordPress more accessible and easy for beginners to utilize, but also automate and streamline typical WordPress tasks to provide a fast, creator-friendly platform that even web professionals will appreciate.

Experience WordPress as a website builder, including: free pre-built themes, drag and drop editing, integrated image banks, simplified photo editing, built-in staging, automated backups, and so much more.

BoldGrid will have you creating professional looking WordPress sites in minutes!

Thank you to BoldGrid for being a WordCamp Philly Platinum Sponsor! Learn more at boldgrid.com.

Trolleys, Trains and Automobiles: West Philly Travel

Yah! You’ve made it to Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly and Sisterly Affection has several ways to get around town.

You can always hail a cab, an Uber, or a Lyft. Depending on traffic and where you are in the city, you will most likely get to Campus WordCamp Philly within less than half an hour. Campus is at USciences, 600 S. 43rd Street.

Continue reading Trolleys, Trains and Automobiles: West Philly Travel

Sponsor Spotlight: Jetpack

Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally, Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools.

Thank you to Jetpack for being a WordCamp Philly Platinum sponsor! Learn more at jetpack.com.

Keynote Address: The Risks and Rewards of Community

For WordCamp Philly this year, we are privileged to have Marc Coleman deliver the keynote talk. In the first talk of the day, Marc will present on the risks and rewards of community.

About the Keynote

“When it’s better for everyone, it’s better for everyone.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

In advance of his talk, Marc has shared with us a few notes to enable us to inform attendees what they can expect in his keynote address. The following points are drawn from those notes.

Continue reading Keynote Address: The Risks and Rewards of Community

Sponsor Spotlight: Pressmate

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Pressmate is a premium Managed WordPress support service that works with small businesses and agencies to provide them with automated and off-site cloud backups, WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates, security solutions, and more.

Apart from just backing up and updating your websites, PressMate offers security and performance monitoring. In an unlikely event of your website getting hacked, PressMate covers the cost of fixing/repairing your hacked WordPress websites, all for free.

PressMate is the first service in WordPress industry to offer their proprietary app that keeps you updated about your websites in real time. Additionally, all the WordCamp Philly visitors get PressMate services worth 18 months for the price of 12. Hooray !!!

Thank you to Pressmate for being a WordCamp Philly Gold sponsor! Learn more at pressmate.com.

Sponsor Spotlight: SiteGround

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SiteGround, with over 13 years in the business, provides managed WordPress hosting that does not miss a thing!

Their servers, available in five data centers on three continents, are optimized for ultimate WordPress speed and security, and they provide many goodies for the WordPress fans: automatic updates for the core WordPress and its plugins, WordPress SuperCacher for ultimate speed acceleration, staging tool for the coders and unique WordPress auto-installer for the starting users – all crafted in-house by the SiteGround team. And still they do not forget the importance of the good old standard hosting features like the domain name registration, the email service, control panel and the reasonable pricing.

They also have a support team that is not only available 24/7 by phone, chat and ticketing, but consists of WordPress enthusiasts who will help you with specific WordPress issues. SiteGround has been actively involved with the community speaking, supporting and attending various WordCamps around the world and by sponsoring WordCamp Philadelphia, they want to further contribute to the amazing WordPress community.

Thank you to SiteGround for being a WordCamp Philly Gold sponsor! Learn more at siteground.com.